Why Have People Flocked to the United States for Over 200 Years?

For hundreds of years, people from foreign countries have left their culture, family, and traditions with hope for a better life in America. Since we declared our independence and established our Constitutional Republic, our country became even more attractive as it stood as a beacon of freedom in a world where countries suppressed the rights of their citizens.

When immigrants think of the USA, they point to the 1st  Amendment to our Constitution that allows for the free exercise of religion; freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, with the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It’s hard for us to imagine living in a country that doesn’t guarantee these rights, but if you’ve traveled to Canada, Latin America, Africa, Asia or the Middle East, and you get off the tourist bus…you’ll see oppressed populations and political dynasties living off American tax dollars.

These precious rights are now jeopardized by politicians who are influenced by Communist China, Russia, and other countries who are benefitting from China’s financial and technological investments.

Former President Ronald Reagan said it best:

“ Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

Not Your Parent’s Democratic Party

The policies of the new Democrats are unrecognizable to traditional liberals who stood against our involvement in foreign wars, supported a closed border to protect working class jobs, called for civil rights that recognized everyone not for the color of their skin but the “content of their character”, and they insisted public education be the pathway to equal opportunity for students. They supported women’s rights to have equal access to sports, and to be safe from sexual predators.

Today’s Democrat Party, led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris (with former President Obama’s team pulling the strings from his mansion in Washington D.C.) has shown weakness in the international arena resulting in a deadly and costly departure from Afghanistan. China has taken the greatest advantage forming an alliance with Russia and other adversaries resulting in a war between Israel and multiple terrorist groups funded by Iran, Taiwan is vulnerable as China encircles it by air and sea, an undeterred Russia decimates Ukraine, and Cuba allows nuclear capable Russian military bases off the coast of Florida.

Our border is open to anyone. They don’t even have to make the thousand-mile trek through dangerous jungles because Biden and Harris are flying them into the United States and bussing them around the country in the darkness of night to avoid scrutiny. Those who live in the sanctuary cities are feeling the pain as resources are redirected to illegal immigrants who are given a place to live, food to eat, healthcare, college tuition, and now up to $150,000 in California to achieve their dream of home ownership. This while California and other blue states lead the world in homelessness for our citizens.

College campuses are segregating students by color supposedly to protect them…unless they are Jewish and then they’re on their own.

Women are told that the only issue they should be concerned with is the ability to abort their pregnancy. Nevermind that there is a fully intact male undressing in their daughter’s locker room and competing against her for college athletic scholarships. Look the other way honey – all that matters is you have the right not to reproduce!

Under Biden and Harris, the United States is heading toward the most egregious dystopian society where religion is not respected, the media is blatantly biased, conservatives have no right to gather or speak, criminals are taking over our neighborhoods and businesses, and the Biden/Harris government uses lawfare to tamp down their political opponents.

So with the First Amendment all but decimated, why are there millions of immigrants still flooding into the United States? Bidenomics!

Immigrants are actually showing up at the border with professionally printed signs that thank Joe Biden! The Border Patrol has been reduced to paper pushers who aren’t allowed to properly vet each person (if they catch them) and Biden and Harris’ Department of Justice keeps suing states who are trying to protect their citizens from gangs, drugs, sex traffickers, thieves and murderers. Why wouldn’t someone leave their corruptly-governed impoverished country when Joe and Kamala are promising to give them everything they need to live a good life!

The reality is that hundreds of thousands of children who were brought across the border cannot be found and too often are enslaved by drug and sex traffickers. Gangs are taking over the streets of cities and rural towns, including apartment buildings where immigrants who fled the violence in their home country are now right back where they started, under the strong arm of dangerous gangs. Communities in inner cities are waking up to the increase in violence, the reduced resources to feed and educate the poor, and the loss of jobs. And the drugs coming across Biden and Harris’ open border are now a leading cause of death in the USA.

The Democrat National Committee showed voters what they really think of Democracy when they kicked Biden to the curb and launched the “Joy” campaign with Kamala Harris. They used her most prominent attribute…the ability to smile and laugh… and reimagined her into a conservative wannabe who has completely left behind every value she has held since she first took office as a progressive District Attorney in San Francisco.

Here’s what Harris will actually do if elected:

  • Put every one of the 11+ million asylum seekers on a path to citizenship changing the balance of the voting population
  • Enact price controls (which we know never works to the benefit of the consumer) that will lead to gas and food shortages for every American
  • Statehood for Washington D.C. to influence the Electoral College (which she wants to eliminate)
  • Increase the number of Supreme Court Justices so she can appoint a new progressive majority
  • Sign a Green New Deal with fake solutions for climate change that benefits her donors and adds to inflation
  • Continue the weaponization of the DOJ by going after conservative influencers and religious groups
  • Through weakness and ineptitude, she will launch us into deadly and costly wars around the world
  • She will continue Biden’s taxpayer funded shift of responsibility for college tuition, healthcare, and housing
  • And she will continue to give preference to criminals over victims by eliminating cash bail, shortening sentences for criminal acts, and reducing felonies to misdemeanors to she can close federal prisons and appease her radical base.

Yes, we do know better than to think Kamala Harris is now a moderate Democrat. She admitted her values have not changed. She also admitted that prices are too high, and inflation has impacted every American. When she tried to explain inflation, it all became clear as she launched into one of her word salads, demonstrating she didn’t have a clue what caused inflation or how to lower it.

Here’s a great analogy for those of you who are buying her latest statements that inflation is now low…and their “infrastructure bill” didn’t cost taxpayers anything:

If you are gaining weight each year by 25 pounds, and after four years you weigh 250 pounds; then you reduce the increase each year to 10 pounds…after two years you weigh 270 pounds… and you still need to lose weight!

During President Trump’s Administration – at least until China released their virus on the world – inflation was low, jobs were coming back to the USA, the world was more peaceful, law and order was in place, and there was hope for a bright future for the next generation. President Trump gained even more popularity because he made good on his promises to put America first, and we all benefitted from his policies.

We know that the Harris Walz ticket would mean the end of the United States as we know it. Please join SacCountyGOP, CAGOP, and the RNC and talk to voters, help us monitor elections, and financially support Republican candidates!  That’s how freedom will be protected and our quality of life returned.

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