Taking Back
Our School Districts
Let’s Educate Our School Districts
It’s difficult to keep up with all of the policy decisions impacting our local schools, but the consequences of remaining uninformed and uninvolved could harm our children for the rest of their lives.
During the COVID pandemic, policies to protect the health of students varied by school district, including whether parents had the rights and resources to keep their kids safe and on track for learning. As parents watched their kids learn on Zoom, many were astonished to see what was and was not being taught. That coupled with plummeting academic achievement in math and English prompted parents to want to know more and to have a voice in their children’s education.
The SacCountyGOP School Districts Committee is tasked with informing parents and community members of upcoming school board agenda items that may be of interest, including topics relating to school security, parental rights, student health, and curriculum. We will include information on this page that alerts parents and taxpayers to upcoming meetings and events where your voices should be heard to make sure our kids receive the best education possible, in a healthy environment, free from indoctrination and overreach by activist school faculty and administrators. Your awareness and actions will provide support to the School Board Members, teachers and administrators who want to keep politics out of these decisions.
We also encourage you to share information about local education issues with us and with your networks – this must be a team effort!
Do You Know What’s In Your School Library?
Action Alert! Show your support for legislation that will keep books and other school resources age-appropriate.
Keep School Sites Safe
Update! The San Juan School Board voted 6-1 to end discussion on the proposal to open school sites after hours at their April 9th Meeting.
Sign Up for News Alerts
School Boards are making important decisions now, and we want to inform parents and taxpayers when there is an opportunity to express an opinion!
Please let us know if you have witnessed something of concern impacting your child’s school.
SacCountyGOP School Districts Ctte
Mona Graham
Kimberly Kennedy-Woods
Betsy Mahan
Jay Martinez
Thomas Silva
Chuck Uribe
Send Us Alerts!