Make Your Vote Count in This Election
Voters have a lot of questions this election about the integrity of the voting process. Follow our tips to make your vote count!

Run for Office in Sacramento County
We need Republicans to step up to run for office. The filing period is now open giving you an opportunity to improve your kids’ access to a better education, create safe communities for our families, businesses and first responders, and to set policies for parks and water quality. It’s all important for our quality of life, and you can make a difference.

If We Can Trust We Can Unify
As we gain a few moments of respite from the chaos around our country, we congratulate Team SpaceX on their spectacular space flight and celebrate the many things that unite us as Americans.

Message to Joe Biden
Republican Candidates and Central Committee Members speak out in response to former Vice President Joe Biden’s latest offensive statement about black voters.

Defeat the Tax Increase in Sacramento County
The Sacramento Transportation Authority just voted to place the tax increase on the ballot. Read the update that includes the vote tally – and let them know you don’t appreciate them minimizing the 750+ voters who commented 10-1 in opposition to the tax. This is going down in November!

Precautions, Not Politics to Fight the Coronavirus
People are paying attention to the coronavirus, including those hoping for political gain. Let’s stay focused on reducing the spread of the disease, not the polls.

It’s Election Time!
What voters need to know about the March 3rd Presidential Primary Election.

Abuse of Power
As Democrats in the House of Representatives feign sorrow and regret over their impeachment of the President, voters grow weary of their antics.

Should Sacramento Republicans Be Hopeless or Hopeful?
The March 3rd Presidential Primary Election is approaching and Sacramento County Republicans have opportunities to step up!

Resolution 1-19
The Sacramento County Republican Party supports keeping the President on the ballot for the March 2020 Primary and opposes future attempts to circumvent the Qualifications Clause of the U.S. Constitution for any candidate, regardless of party.

Governor Newsom’s Moratorium on a Safe California
Sacramento voters are mad and want to take action following Governor Gavin Newsom’s announced moratorium on the death penalty.

Fear-based Activism is Now Status Quo in the City of Sacramento
A Sacramento Bee opinion writer says Republicans no longer exist in Sacramento. We believe the over 100,000 minority party voters in the City of Sacramento deserve representation and fear-based political activism needs to be acknowledged and replaced by free speech and opportunity for all.

Why Your Vote and Your Voice Matters
Can you make a difference and put California on the road to recovery? Yes, if you vote!

Democrats on Defense to Protect High Gas Tax
John Cox came to Sacramento to expose illegal, anti-taxpayer actions taken by the Democrat leadership. Learn what you can do to repeal the gas tax!

Making Our Communities Safe
The Sacramento County Republican Party recently highlighted the importance of supporting candidates in the upcoming election who support a criminal justice system driven by keeping communities safe, not politics.

Consequences of a Democrat Supermajority in California
Read why it’s so important to elect more Republicans in 2018.

Resolution 2-17
The SCRP Central Committee approved a resolution in support of Republican efforts to repeal the increased taxes on gas, diesel and vehicle ownership as a result of SB 1.
Resolution 1-17
The Sacramento County Republican Party Executive Committee passed a resolution relating to leadership on the Cap and Trade issue. Two resolutions on this topic will be considered by the full committee at the September 13th meeting.

Is California’s Education System Failing Our Students?
Lance Izumi recently wrote an article for Heritage.org that reveals the truth about California’s high school graduation rate.