The November 5th ballot will include statewide bond measures and initiatives, including measures put on the ballot by the State Legislature. Local school districts and cities have also included tax increases and bond measures for voters to consider.
List of Qualified Local Measures for Sacramento County
List of Qualified Statewide Measures for California
We encourage all voters to read beyond the titles and summaries as they are often written with political motives and therefore may not accurately describe the impact on policy and tax burdens. Remember Proposition 47 – the so-called “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Fund”? That title and summary was written by none other than Attorney General Kamala Harris, and the negative impact on law-abiding citizens and businesses has been devastating.
Click on the proposition number (e.g. Proposition 2) to link to the language of each measure where available. Here’s some background on the State measures from CalMatters.
Below we provide a brief summary and the sponsor of each measure, with links to the Legislative Analyst’s (LAO) guide and positions taken by the CA Republican Party (CAGOP) and the Sacramento County Republican Party (SacGOP). If there is “No Position” listed by SacGOP, it means our Central Committee was unable to secure a 2/3 vote in support, opposition, or neutral on a measure. We’ve also included positions taken by the Sacramento Taxpayers Association (SacTax), and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) that continues to bring us lower property taxes through the defense of Prop. 13.
Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Schools and Local Community College Public Education Facilities Modernization, Repair, and Safety Bond Act of 2024
Summary: General obligation bond act that would provide $10,000,000,000 to construct and modernize education facilities, including $8,500,000,000 for elementary and secondary educational facilities and $1,500,000,000 for community college facilities.
Sponsor: CA Legislature (AB 247)
CAGOP Position: Support
SacGOP Position: No Position
HJTA Position: Oppose
LAO Analysis
Marriage Equality
Repeals current language in the constitution (deemed unenforceable due to overturning of Prop. 8) and instead provides that the right to marry is a fundamental right.
Sponsor: CA Legislature (ACA 5)
CAGOP Position: Neutral
SacGOP Position: No Position
LAO Analysis
Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024
Summary: Authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount of $10,000,000,000 to finance projects for safe drinking water, drought, flood, and water resilience, wildfire and forest resilience, coastal resilience, extreme heat mitigation, biodiversity and nature-based climate solutions, climate-smart, sustainable, and resilient farms, ranches, and working lands, park creation and outdoor access, and clean air programs.
Sponsor: CA Legislature (SB 867)
CAGOP Position: Oppose
SacGOP Position: Oppose
HJTA Position: Oppose
LAO Analysis
Voter Approval of Local Taxes
Allows a city, county, or special district, with 55% voter approval, to incur bonded indebtedness or impose specified special taxes to fund projects for affordable housing, permanent supportive housing, or public infrastructure, as specified.
Sponsor: CA Legislature (ACA 1)
CAGOP Position: Oppose
SacGOP Position: Oppose
HJTA Position: Oppose
LAO Analysis
Involuntary Servitude
Summary: Prohibits the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from disciplining any incarcerated person for refusing a work assignment.
Sponsor: CA Legislature (ACA 8)
CAGOP Position: Oppose
SacGOP Position: Oppose
HJTA Position: Oppose
LAO Analysis
Minimum Wage Increase
Summary: Extends annual increases ($1.00 per year) until minimum wage—currently, $15.00 per hour for businesses with 26 or more employees, and $14.00 per hour for smaller businesses—reaches $18.00 per hour. Thereafter, as existing law requires, the minimum wage will annually adjust for inflation.
Sponsor: Joe Sanberg
CAGOP Position: Oppose
SacGOP Position: Oppose
HJTA Position: Oppose
LAO Analysis
Rent Control “Justice for Renters Act”
Summary: Repeals the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act to prohibit the State from limiting the right of cities and counties to maintain, enact, or expand residential rent-control ordinances.
Sponsor: Ashoke Talukdar
CAGOP Position: Oppose
SacGOP Position: Oppose
HJTA Position: Oppose
LAO Analysis
Healthcare Reforms “Protect Patients Now Act of 2024”
Summary: Requires certain health care providers to spend 98% of revenues from federal discount prescription drug program on direct patient care. Permanently authorizes state to negotiate Medi-Cal drug prices on statewide basis.
Sponsor: To be clarified
CAGOP Position: Support
SacGOP Position: Support
HJTA Position: Support
LAO Analysis
Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services
Summary: Makes permanent the existing tax on managed health care insurance plans, currently set to expire in 2026, which the State uses
to pay for health care services for low-income families with children, seniors, people with disabilities, and other groups covered
by the Medi-Cal program.
Sponsor: Christina Orr
CAGOP Position: Support
SacGOP Position: Support
LAO Analysis
“Homelessness, Drug Addiction & Theft Reduction Act”
Summary: Reforms Proposition 47 imposing felony charges for possessing certain drugs, including fentanyl, and for thefts under $950, both currently chargeable only as misdemeanors, with two prior drug or two prior theft convictions, as applicable. Defendants who plead guilty to felony drug possession and complete treatment can have charges dismissed. Increases sentences for other specified drug and theft crimes.
Sponsor: District Attorney’s Association
CAGOP Position: Support
SacGOP Position: Support
HJTA Position: Support
LAO Analysis
Measure D
Sacramento City Unified School District Bond Measure
Measure Question: With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere and no projected increase in current tax rates, shall Sacramento City Unified School District’s measure to expand Science,Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) classrooms; replace leaky roofs; and upgrade school security be adopted, authorizing $543 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $35 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $36 million annually while outstanding), citizen oversight and full public disclosure of all spending?
Sponsor: Sac City USD
SacGOP Position: Oppose
SacTax Position: Oppose
Measure E
City of Sacramento Library Parcel Tax
Measure Question: Shall the measure combining and extending existing parcel taxes generating approximately $9.6 million/year for library services – including programs for children, teens, and seniors; homework assistance; operating hours; books; 24/7 online access; and other services – at current rates (single-family residences $54.50/year; other properties at specified amounts; adjusted annually for inflation), with independent financial audits ensuring funds are only spent on City of Sacramento libraries, until ended by voters, be adopted?
Sponsor: Sacramento City Council
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure G
City of Folsom Sales Tax
Measure Question: Shall the measure to enact a 1 percent transaction and use tax (sales tax), providing approximately $29 million annually until ended by voters, requiring local control, citizen oversight, independent annual audits, all funds staying in Folsom and the proceeds used only for the following: 20% – police services, 20% – fire protection, 15% – parks/trail improvement, 15% – traffic/street maintenance, 15% – community enhancement/economic development, and 15% – major capital improvement projects, be adopted?
Sponsor: Residents Supporting Public Safety and Quality of Life Committee
SacGOP Position: No Position
SacTax Position: Oppose
Measure H
Galt Joint Union Elementary School District Facility Bond Measure
Measure Question: Galt Joint Union Elementary School District Classroom Repair Measure. To provide a high-quality education for all students by keeping schools safe/clean; repair deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating, ventilation systems; improve school security/fire safety, upgradescience/engineering/technology classrooms/labs; increase disability access, shall Galt Joint Union Elementary School District’s measure authorizing $27,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, levying 3¢ per $100 of assessed valuation, raising $1,960,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring audits, independent citizen oversight, and all funds controlled locally?
Sponsor: Galt Joint Union Elementary School District
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure J
Elverta Joint Elementary School District Bond
Measure Question: To improve the quality of local schools; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; replace leaky roofs; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; shall Elverta Joint Elementary School District’s measure authorizing $4,300,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $267,190 annually while bonds are outstanding at estimated average rates of $29.14 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens’ oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?
Sponsor: Elverta JESD
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure K
San Joaquin Delta Community College District Bond Measure
Measure Question: DELTA COLLEGE JOB TRAINING, REPAIR, AFFORDABLE EDUCATION MEASURE. To improve local community college classrooms/ labs/ access for nursing/ vocational career training, student safety; remove asbestos, lead paint, mold; ensure safe drinking water; repair deteriorating sewers, roofs; acquire, construct, repair classrooms, sites, facilities, equipment; shall San Joaquin Delta Community College District School Facilities Improvement District No. 1’s measure authorizing $598,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $16 per $100,000 assessed valuation, generating $34,800,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring local control, oversight, audits, spending disclosure?
Sponsor: San Joaquin Delta College Trustees
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure L
Orangevale Recreation and Park District Bond Measure
Measure Question: To improve parks and recreation for children, families, senior citizens, and residents; upgrade and replace outdated restrooms; renovate sixty-year-old Youth Center; make safety and security improvements; upgrade playgrounds; and improve trails; shall Orangevale Recreation & Park District’s measure be adopted authorizing $24,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, averaging $1,400,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $15.96 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens’ oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?
Sponsor: Orangevale Parks Board of Directors
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure M
Arcohe Union School District Bond Measure
Measure Question: ”ARCOHE UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT CLEAN, SAFE CLASSROOM MEASURE.” To provide clean/safe classrooms; provide science/engineering/technology/agricultural education labs; prevent overcrowded classrooms; continue to provide safe drinking water; improve safety/security; improve disabled accessibility; to provide high-quality education, retain/attract quality teachers, shall Arcohe Union School District’s measure authorizing $5,800,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 3¢ per $100 of assessed valuation, raising $451,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring audits, public oversight/ spending disclosure, funds controlled locally?
Sponsor: Arcohe USD
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure N
Elk Grove Unified School District Bond Measure
Measure Question: To repair, modernize, and construct classrooms, labs, school and career technical facilities to relieve overcrowding and support college/career readiness in science, technology, engineering, math, arts, and skilled trades, fix roofs, plumbing, electrical, water, and safety/security systems, shall Elk Grove Unified School District’s measure authorizing $542,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, averaging annual levies of 3.4¢ per $100 assessed value ($37,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, annual audits, and all money locally controlled?
Sponsor: Elk Grove USD Trustees
SacGOP Position: Oppose
SacTax Position: Oppose
Measure O
Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District
Measure Question: Fire/Emergency Medical Response Measure. To maintain 911 fire/emergency medical response times, attract/retain qualified professional firefighters/paramedics, support local fire protection, and prevent firefighter exposure to cancer-causing air pollution by upgrading outdated/deteriorating lifesaving equipment, engines/stations, shall Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District’s measure be adopted, authorizing $415,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying approximately $19/$100,000 assessed value, generating approximately $24,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizens’ oversight and local control?
Sponsor: Sacramento Metro Fire Board of Directors
SacGOP Position: *Neutral
SacTax Position: Neutral
* A Democrat candidate for the Sac Metro Fire District is spreading false information that SacCountyGOP is opposed to Measure O. We saw no reason to oppose Measure O, but want voters to decide how to spend their tax dollars.
Measure P
San Juan Unified School District Classroom Repair Bond Measure
Measure Question: To prepare students for college/careers by repairing/upgrading aging classrooms; leaky roofs; math/science labs; removing asbestos/lead; improving education by retaining/attracting quality teachers in safe/clean schools; shall San Juan Unified School District’s measure authorizing $950,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying rates of approximately 6¢/$100 of assessed value be adopted, generating approximately $55,600,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring funds remain local, public disclosure of spending, citizens’ oversight/independent audits?
Sponsor: San Juan USD
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure Q
Fulton-El Camino Recreation and Park District Bond Measure
Measure Question: To improve parks and recreation for children, families, senior citizens, and residents; make safety/security improvements; renovate, construct, and expand parks and facilities; upgrade old restrooms; and provide shade structures/new playgrounds; shall Fulton El Camino Recreation and Park District’s measure be adopted authorizing $24,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, averaging $1,380,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $18.40 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens’ oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?
Sponsor: Fulton El Camino Rec & Park Board
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure R
Folsom Cordova Local Elementary School Teacher Retention, Classroom Repair/Safety Bond Measure
Measure Question: To repair/upgrade existing Rancho Cordova elementary schools’ deteriorating classrooms, electrical systems/wiring, leaky roofs, school playgrounds; improve safety/security/fire systems, disabled accessibility; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment; shall Folsom Cordova Unified School District’s School Facilities Improvement District 4’s measure authorizing $144,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 6¢ per $100 assessed valuation (approximately $8,800,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding be adopted, requiring public disclosure of spending, oversight, and to recruit/retain quality teachers?
Sponsor: Folsom Cordova School District 4
SacGOP Position: Neutral
Measure S
Folsom Cordova Local Middle/High School Teacher Retention, Classroom Repair/Safety Bond Measure
Measure Question: To repair/upgrade existing Rancho Cordova middle/high schools’ vocational/career classrooms/labs, deteriorating electrical systems/wiring, leaky roofs; improve safety/security systems; acquire, construct, repair, facilities, sites, equipment; shall Folsom Cordova Unified School District’s School Facilities Improvement District No. 4’s measure authorizing $144,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted levying 6¢ per $100 of assessed valuation (approximately $8,800,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring disclosure of spending, oversight, and to recruit/retain quality teachers?
Sponsor: Folsom Cordova School District 4
SacGOP Position: Neutral