By Betsy Mahan
Chair, Sacramento County Republican Party

Just as Joe Biden did in 2020, Kamala Harris is now casting aside her ultra-liberal voting record, and is masquerading as a centrist candidate who wants to help the middle class. You always know when an election is coming – Democrats become overnight crime fighters, hostages get released from foreign prisons, and some token policy changes are implemented to make the incumbent look like they understand economics.  Problem is these are just stunts, and after they achieve office, they are back to kowtowing to the progressives who pull the strings.

President Trump has been very clear about our task ahead for this General Election – Make Voter Turnout TOO BIG TO RIG! Here’s how we get that done:

Californians must share our knowledge of Kamala Harris’ Failures

We came away from the Republican National Convention with great optimism, and thankful that our candidate survived an assassin’s bullets. And the roller coaster ride continues as Kamala Harris parades around the country, pretending she’s already President, and promising to fix all the problems created under the Biden-Harris Administration.

Why didn’t she do all the things she promises in her campaign ads while she and Joe were running the country? Does she really think we believe that she has come our way on key issues like securing the border, making our communities safe, and bringing high paying jobs to working class families?

Californians have had to suffer from Harris’ disastrous terms as San Francisco District Attorney, California Attorney General, and U.S. Senator. She can’t hide from her record such as failing to impose the death penalty for a murderer who took the life of a police officer, or writing the blatantly false title and summary for Prop. 47 – the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Fund” that made neighborhoods less safe by reducing felony crimes to misdemeanors. She supported AB 109 and Prop. 57, which forced local jails to take in violent criminals, and let them out early against the requests of district attorneys. Harris bailed out violent BLM and Antifa protesters calling their crimes a “Movement” that wasn’t going away. And she is ranked as the most “progressive” US Senator, often conflicting with positions held by Biden when he was in the Senate. As Vice President, she has embarrassed the United States at gatherings of foreign leaders, cackling at press conferences when she didn’t know the answer to questions. And Israel is on edge with a potential Harris administration who will take the side of terrorists rather than protecting our closest ally in the Middle East.

We know better. So we need to spread the word about the real Kamala Harris. Victor Davis Hanson makes some good points in this article that summarizes Harris’ rise to power. 

Click on the red tabs to learn more about ways to communicate with voters and ensure a successful election.

Sign Up to Volunteer!

Sign Up to Volunteer!

Visit our Volunteer webpage to learn about volunteer opportunities, then use this link to let us know you want to make a difference in this election!

Represent SacCountyGOP As An Election Observer

Election Integrity Is Only Possible If They Know We’re Watching!

SacCountyGOP will train you to observe a Vote Center, or the closing of a Drop Box at 8pm on Election night. This job couldn’t be more important as hundreds of volunteers swarm voting locations to be our eyes and ears. 

Vote Centers start opening for in-person voting 11 days before the final election day. Many more open 4 days in advance with over 85 centers and hundreds of shifts to cover!

SacCountyGOP Election Integrity Officer Nina Caron is your contact and she can be reached at Let her know you’re interested asap using our Volunteer form.

You can also apply to work inside the Elections office processing ballots! Learn more and sign up at this link.

Questions? Call the Voter Helpline at (916) 822-5618 and one of our volunteers will assist you.

Register Voters in Sacramento County

How to Register Voters

Republican registration in Sacramento County has been growing, thanks to the work of our volunteers and the impressive elected Republicans who are demonstrating how to lead and solve problems. Currently, there are 221,447 registered Republicans in our County compared to 395,140 Democrats and 186,502 registered No Party Preference. 

Voter registration forms are available at your local post office, at the County Elections Office, and at SacCountyGOP headquarters. Some forms are county-specific and there is also a generic version for the State of California.

Online options are available to check current registration, to reregister (e.g. new address or party) and to register for the first time. Those who are 16-17 may pre-register so they can vote as soon as they turn 18.

Voter Registration Guideif you are planning to register voters, review the guide! More resources are available on this webpage.

Completed registration forms must be turned into the appropriate county within three days of receiving the form. You can bring them to SacCountyGOP headquarters and we will hand-deliver them for you, or go to the County Elections Office at 7000 65th Street, Sacramento (off Florin) during office hours (Monday through Friday 8am-5pm). You may not use the personal information on the form for any purpose, but you can copy the form for SacCountyGOP (we are letting our State Party know of all new registrations.)

We recommend you encourage the voter to provide their email and phone number on their registration card so they can be contacted if there are any problems processing their registration. For example, the registration card will NOT be accepted if any portion is crossed out or corrected, or if they forgot to sign the form.

Suggest the voter signs the registration card the same way they signed their Driver’s License as this can be used to verify their ballot when voting.

The entire card must be in the voter’s handwriting in blue or black pen. If they are unable to complete the form, there is a section that allows you to state you helped.

Once the person has registered, ask if they would like to receive news of local conservative events and receive a voter guide. They can sign up at

Questions? Call the Voter Helpline at (916) 822-5618 and one of our volunteers will assist you.

Encourage Voters to Submit Their Ballot

Make Sure All Ballots Are Turned In!

Ballots will be in the mail the first week in October. SacCountyGOP will host a Candidate Forum & Ballot Collection Open House at headquarters on Saturday, October 12th. This is the perfect time to drag those who are on the fence (with their ballot) to our headquarters where we will provide information on candidates and ballot measures, and HARVEST THEIR BALLOT! We will help them sign up to track their ballot so they know it was received and accepted to be counted.

All ballots are hand-delivered by SacCountyGOP officials inside the County Elections Office on the next business day. It’s the safest way to make sure every vote gets counted!

Questions? Call the Voter Helpline at (916) 822-5618 and one of our volunteers will assist you.

Call Republican Voters With A Helpful Message

Call Voters to Make Them Aware of the Election

After Labor Day, campaigning ramps up and voters start thinking about the upcoming election. With just one month until ballots are mailed, it’s the right time to reach out to conservative voters to make them aware their ballot will be coming soon, and to tell them about the resources available to them through the SacCountyGOP.

Callers are trained at headquarters to use a tablet and headphones to initiate calls. Scripts are provided and it’s a very easy system to use. We encourage you to come in with friends, or to join a special session just for your preferred candidate. We often have some competitions and have snacks and prizes! Phone bank hours may vary, but are always available when headquarters is open (currently 10am-2pm Mon-Fri – increasing as we get closer to the election).

High school students needing political or community service hours are welcome! 

Sign up to make calls on our Volunteer form. You will be contacted about training and special candidate sessions.

Questions? Contact Grassroots Coordinator Mike Story at or call the Voter Helpline at (916) 822-5618 and one of our volunteers will assist you.

Walk Your Neighborhood & Share Voter Guides

Join Us On a Walk In Your Neighborhood!

No need to go to the gym! We have volunteers most evenings and on weekends visiting neighbors and walking with the candidates to inform voters about their choices in this election.

We’ll train you to use a phone app that has the map and addresses of the houses to reach. Handouts are provided along with talking points just in case someone wants to talk about the election. Most of the time you’re just dropping off literature with a wave and a smile to folks who aren’t comfortable opening their doors. But that’s why we want you to walk your own neighborhood, to make people more comfortable and to know they can trust the information you are providing.

Face to face interaction is the most effective way to influence someone’s vote – so please consider joining us on one of the many walks that will take place after Labor Day. 

Sign up on our Volunteer form and let us know you’re interested.

Questions? Contact Grassroots Coordinator Mike Story at or call the Voter Helpline at (916) 822-5618 and one of our volunteers will assist you.

Pick Up and Distribute 50 Voter Guides

Pick Up 50

Come into headquarters and pick up 50 Voter Guides for your area. You can distribute them at church, the office, in your neighborhood, or in the school parking lot. They are also designed to be mailed if that is your preference. Just get them into the hands of voters and encourage them to vote early!

Sign up on our Volunteer form and let us know you’re interested in other volunteer programs.

Questions? Call the Voter Helpline at (916) 822-5618 and one of our volunteers will assist you.

Support Our Endorsed Candidates

Candidates Need Your Help!

It’s not easy to run for office, but we have close to 100 Republicans elected to office in Sacramento County, and they deserve our appreciation and support.

Here’s a list of all the candidates who have registered to run in November. The deadline to file is August 9, so this list will increase.

Support for candidates comes in various forms:

Endorse – visit their website and lend your personal support on their Endorsement page
Contribute – even the smallest amount goes a long way to producing printed materials and getting their message out on social media
Host – offer to host a reception in the district at your home, office, or neighborhood community center. 
Walk & Phone – join the candidate when they have a special phonebank or walk. Thousands of voters need to be reached and they appreciate the nudge!
Post a Yard Sign – voters recognize that a yard sign on private property has more meaning than the signs littering the middle of public roads! If you have a well-traveled location, offer to post a larger sign and really make a statement!

Visit our Voter Guide page for contact information on all endorsed candidates.

Sign up on our Volunteer form and let us know you’re interested in other volunteer programs.

Questions? Call the Voter Helpline at (916) 822-5618 and one of our volunteers will assist you.

Winning also requires every state secures their election process.

In 2020, the Biden machine convinced blue states to change their election laws, under the guise of taking COVID precautions. Many, without proper protocol or transparency, moved to all mail in ballots with no ID required, restricted election observers, lowered standards for signature approval, extended deadlines for ballots to be counted, and a host of other changes that made it easier to cast a fraudulent vote.

Read the Heritage Foundation’s summary of cases in California where fraud was prosecuted, even though Democrats say it doesn’t exist.

Fraud does exist, but it has been death by a thousand cuts. Democrats at the local and state levels are using every tactic they can dream up to impact elections. But the biggest concerns of all are the lack of attention to outdated voter rolls and non-citizens who have been encouraged to register and vote. I personally have had recent immigrants (not yet citizens) ask if they should go ahead and register because the rules have been relaxed… That is the perception first created by the Obama administration! Of course, I point out that the voter registration process requires you to declare under penalty of law that you are a citizen and therefore qualified to vote. That hasn’t changed, but a Harris administration could make that a possibility.

Thanks to Judicial Watch, States are being sued to make sure they provide data to the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC), as required by federal law, concerning their removal programs . Every few years the EAC publishes this data as part of a report it provides to Congress. The most recent report and accompanying datasets were released in June of this year. Here is California’s report.

Since the 2020 Election, many states have strengthened their voting processes to make it more difficult to cheat, including winning the right in court to require ID’s and properly verify signatures. There is still much to settle in courts across the nation, but voter integrity is making legal progress.

Is Sacramento County Registrar of Voters Hang Nguyen Compromised?

In Sacramento, many voters have concerns about our election systems and leadership in the County Elections office. I share those concerns since the newly appointed Registrar of Voters (ROV) now excludes SacGOP from any involvement in advisory roles over the election process – unlike all of her predecessors. However, I am confident that Assemblyman Josh Hoover and County Supervisor Pat Hume would not be in office if the system was being manipulated. That said, our current ROV continues to rely exclusively on liberal non-profit voting rights organizations to implement outreach programs and drive Democrats to the polls. I will continue to bring attention to Hang Nguyen’s inappropriate bias against representatives of the Republican Party, and we will work even harder to win elections in this County.

Get Involved!

SacCountyGOP has all the resources you need to help turn out voters in this election. Every race is important, from President to School Boards. When voters are excited about a candidate, they will show up and support others on the ballot. 

Make sure you are signed up for our monthly newsletter, and use our Volunteer form to let us know which opportunities fit your skills and schedule. We can’t sit this one out. Our nation’s future is at risk, and we must turn out millions of voters to make this election Too Big To Rig!

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