Virtual Town Hall – Defeat the Sacramento Tax!
Be sure to sign up to participate in this Virtual Town Hall. Taxpayer advocates and Supervisor Sue Frost will discuss a proposed tax increase and how you can keep it off the ballot for November.
Be sure to sign up to participate in this Virtual Town Hall. Taxpayer advocates and Supervisor Sue Frost will discuss a proposed tax increase and how you can keep it off the ballot for November.
The May meeting will again be conducted online and is open to Committee Members, Alternates, and leaders of our Sacramento County Republican Chartered Clubs. Local Republicans are encouraged to sign up for our eNews to stay informed. Our headquarters is open weekdays from Noon - 6pm, which is also a good way to reconnect, and to see our GOP merchandise, including Trump Yard Signs!
The American Legion will host a modified event to honor those who gave their lives in the defense of our country. Please honor the host's guidelines for distancing so that these events can continue.
The Sacramento County Republican Party will hold their monthly meeting of the Central Committee. Details will be provided closer to the date based on in person meeting protocols.
Supporters of President Trump will gather at SacCountyGOP Headquarters for a Watch Party! The President and a few thousand of his supporters in Tulsa Oklahoma will hold the first Trump Rally since the lockdown. Guests must be pre-registered to attend.
Crime Victims United and other Public Safety organizations have qualified an important ballot measure for November called the Keep California Safe Act. Citrus Heights Police Chief Ron Lawrence also serves as the President the California Police Chiefs Association, and he will lead this virtual briefing to let you know why it is important, and what voters can do to get it passed!
Meet at the Parking Garage entrance on H Street between 7th and 8th to rally against the tax increase! Show up now, or pay later!
The Sacramento County Republican Central Committee will meet virtually due to in-person meeting restrictions.
Meet Congressional Candidate Buzz Patterson (CD 7) as he kicks off his General Election campaign with the opening of his headquarters in Folsom.
Sacramento Republican Women Federated will host their monthly luncheon with featured speaker Sam Parades, Executive Director of Gun Owners of California.