About SacCountyGOP Meetings
The Sacramento County Republican Central Committee meets on the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings begin at 6:30pm. We do not hold meetings in July or December, unless there is a special circumstance.
Registered Republicans in Sacramento County who registered to attend in advance may observe the meeting.
The October agenda will include a review of the CAGOP Fall Convention, upcoming events, and the November 7th Special Election. We will also consider pending ballot measures for the March and November elections.
What Happened at the September Meeting?
The Central Committee filled two Committee vacancies including Taylor Bartucca in District 1, and Ruth Alexander in District 2. Our featured speaker was Ben Granholm of Swing Strategies. He briefed the Committee on recent ballot measure activities, including two measures impacting tax rates that deserve our help as they collect signatures. Committee Members approved a resolution to protect the current number of US Supreme Court Justices. The “Keep Nine” resolution is widely supported by Republican organizations across the country.
A report was given on the Fair Oaks Chicken Festival and the Phone Bank that was reaching out to voters who recently moved into Sacramento County.
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