As submitted by SCRP Committee Member Roger Canfield at the August 9, 2017 Meeting
Republican Members of California Legislature Violate Republican Principles and Platform.
Whereas, the Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights stand for a government whose powers are limited to protecting individual life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;
Whereas, in the spirit of limited government, Republican principles and platforms of fiscal responsibility have long limited the tax, spending and regulatory powers of government;
Whereas, a Democrat super majority is a one party state with virtually limitless powers to tax, spend and regulate against the well-being and liberties of every Californian;
Whereas, a Republican minority of one third in the California Legislature today is the last desperate hope for protecting the people from runaway taxing, spending and oppression;
Whereas, every Republican voter expects their representative to honor their Republican promises and moral obligation to shield the people from Democrat tyranny;
Whereas, the Legislature has passed with Republican votes disastrous regulations and taxes in the extension of Jerry Brown’s Cap and Trade law, AB 398, AB 617, ACA 1;
Whereas, in combination with a gas tax increase of 19 cents per gallon, the Cap and Trade legislation will create a gasoline tax of 71 cents a gallon or more by 2030;
Whereas, California already has among the highest energy costs in the nation;
Whereas , California has very high percentages of poverty, welfare and food stamp recipients who are the least able to afford high regressive taxes;
Whereas, high taxation and regulation of the economy, such as Cap and Trade, have been driving the middle class and small businesses out of California for decades;
Whereas , Chad Mayes, Assembly Republican leader, six Assembly members, [ Catherine Baker (R-Walnut Creek), Rocky Chavez (R-Oceanside), Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo), Health Flora (R-Modesto), Devin Mathis (R-Visalia), and Mark Steinorth (R-Rancho Cucamonga)] and Senator [ Tom Berryhill (R-Ceres)] voted for Cap and Trade;
Whereas, GOP votes allowed several vulnerable Democrats to vote no to insure their reelection and retain the one party state;
Whereas, the former CRP vice chairman, Harmeet Dhillon, former CRP Chair, Shawn Steel, and county committees and chairs [Orange, San Diego, Fresno, Merced, Madera, SLO, Mariposa, Tulare] have condemned these votes and asked Mayes to resign;
Whereas, in another era when Democrat Speaker Willie Brown denied the Republican Party its win at the ballot box in 1994 by buying off a series of Republican Quislings, (Paul Horcher, Brian Setencich, Doris Allen) the Republican Party rose up to drive them from office and to elect reliable Republicans;
Therefor, Be it Resolved, the Sacramento County Republican Party [OR Exec Committee, Chair] shall send a letter to Mayes and other offending members condemning their votes;
Therefor, Be it Resolved, the SRCC demand Mayes resign;
Therefor, Be it Resolved, the SRCC ask every offending Republican carefully consider not running for reelection against an outraged electorate
Considered by the SCRP Executive Committee on August 11, 2017 – 0 AYE to 4 No
May be brought before the full SCRP Committee on September 13, 2017
Takes a 2/3 vote to overturn the Executive Committee’s decision.