News From SacCountyGOP

Senate Bill 48
As the California Legislature attempts to “Trump Proof” California, students and school personnel could be impacted.

Celebrating This Election
TRUMP WON!! Many thanks to the volunteers, candidates and donors who believed we could be victorious and worked to make it happen.
Upcoming Meetings & Events (more events)
CAGOP Spring Organizing Convention
The California Republican Party will hold their Spring Organizing Convention in Sacramento.
March 14 @ 5:00 pm - March 16 @ 12:00 pmRepublican Booth at the Galt Saturday Market
SacCountyGOP will have a booth at the Galt Saturday Market! We are looking forward to meeting new friends and providing some fun merchandise.
April 5 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pmApril 2025 Central Committee Meeting
The Sacramento County Republican Central Committee will meet on Wednesday, April 9th.
April 9 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm2025 State Fair
Save the dates of July 11-27 when SacCountyGOP will host the Republican Booth at the California State Fair. Learn how you can help support the booth!
July 11 @ 10:00 am - July 27 @ 10:00 pm